Disco Analytics

Do you want measurable results from your learning and development activities? Disco Analytics is a learning analytics agency that measures, understands, and increases L&D impact and value creation.

Done right, L&D can reduce operational costs, create business value, help you gain a competitive advantage, increase staff wellbeing, productivity and innovation rates, and boost your brand equity. But first we need to measure the difference and the value created.

Don’t place learning analytics or impact evaluation in the “too hard” basket — with our supportive expertise, it’s more than possible to measure and increase your L&D impact.

As we offer end-to-end learning analytics, our services include:

  1. Learning Audits: We analyse the quality, and impact potential, of your learning experiences, including online courses. As highly comprehensive checks against proven best practices and scientific findings, you’ll quickly discover your impact potential.
  1. Impact Evaluation: We evaluate the outcomes and impacts that result from your learning experiences. Are your learners applying their learning? Are the desired impacts occurring? Are you getting a high return on value? Why (not)?
  1. Learner Analytics: It’s all too easy to overfocus on the L&D activity and overlook where agency lies — your learners. Your people are key to success — they make the changes. If you’re seeking widespread behavioural change(s), our analytics make sure you know what makes them tick. 
  2. Strategy: We help you look at the big picture, and put in place a robust roadmap to achieve your organisational goals. Aligned with your strategic vision and operational goals, our strategic work, in partnership with you, will measure and deliver the results your C-suite need.

Visit discoanalytics.com to find out more. The best place to start? Book a free discovery call with our founder, Nicola Thomas. We’d love to help.