AI is reshaping the world of work, how do we ensure learning isn't left behind?
LN Master Days are about getting hands-on with some of the most important, skills, approaches, and technologies of the day. With this in mind, we’re kicking off 2024 with a day of getting hands-on with artificial intelligence (AI).
Helping us do this are industry experts from across the network, so you won’t just be getting one view of things.
The day is free for all network members, including tea and coffee throughout the day. The normal value of the training being delivered is more than £2000! Places are limited, so book your ticket(s) asap!
Welcome, Venue Notices, and Expectations

AI for the Average Joe - Interactive Keynote
This interactive, innovative, and energetic keynote will provide you with new ideas and takeaways to use generative artificial intelligence in your organisation or clients. Understanding why winning the hearts and minds of your teams is fundamental to the adoption of Gen AI, and we’ll consider the wider considerations of future skills to define the human : robot relationship.
Be ready to be challenged, have fun, and think about your engagement in this revolutionary technology in a whole different way. By the end of the session, you’ll understand;
- how to engage your organisation, team, clients, and learners with Gen AI
- what skills to develop for successful adoption of AI and developing ourselves during the new technological revolution
- a practical plan of action and your chosen next steps

Break - Tea and Coffee Provided
AI for the Average Joe in Practice - Workshop
The session will bring to life some of the concepts and questions we pose in the keynote, and delegates will;
- explore ways to build sustainable AI practices in both personal and professional settings
- have fun and practical ways to use ChatGPT and Gamma AI saving time and money
- share how they are using generative AI already and examples in other sectors
- specific tasks and activities which you would like to promote in your organisation
****A note for attendees – they need to bring laptops and/or phones and sign up for a free ChatGPT 3.5 account ready to use live in the session. This way they’ll get the best possible experience.***

Lunch - Tea and Coffee Provided
Purposeful AI-enabled Conversations to Enhance the Learning Experience
This session aims to expand the creative and practical capabilities of learning designers who hope to exploit the powerful facilities of large language models (LLMs). Participants will understand how to design purposeful conversations which interact with specialist knowledge, especially company-private information.
****Participants are advised to have a laptop or mobile device ready to use and will supplied in advance with sign-up instructions for free services used in the session.****

Break - Tea and Coffee Provided
AI as a Skills and Performance Co-Pilot - Workshop
Join Filtered’s Toby Harris to unlock the power of the free GPT 3.5 version of ChatGPT to eliminate several of the most time consuming parts of improving workplace performance. We can draw on language models to produce the “first draft” of documentation that used to take hours or days to produce. In the interactive, hands-on session Toby will share prompts and guidance to do the following
- Audience research: Generate a profile of the learning audience based on a basic demographic description which includes motivations, challenges and current learning habits.
- Framework definition: Build a skill framework and, optionally, a self-assessment rubric to underpin your learning design for this group.
- Programme design: Combine the above inputs to map out a 2 week curated blended programme addressing an urgent change topic for this group – and even create some of the content for this programme or personalise it for every participant!

Reflection and Wrap Up

Venue Closes
Venue details
Pryzm, The South Buildings, Canon’s Rd, Bristol, BS1 5UH
Venue Contact:
Venue website:
LN Contact:
(Tom) 07946465152
Before you book...
We have changed how places at this event are being booked, so please ensure you follow these simple steps:
- Use the RSVP service below, you can disregard the ‘no available tickets’ box on this page.
- Please only RSVP once, click the button, and wait for it to show as complete.
- If booking for more than one person, DO NOT use the same email address for all the bookings. The system requires an individual booking email per person.
If you have any difficulties booking, please contact the event organiser listed on this page, and not the general contact email or another LN director.